Thursday, October 4, 2012

BGBS: October

So, October can mean a lot of stuff to a lot of people. It can make everyone think of at least something, good or bad. For me, October reminds me of my Granny. I mean, I’m honestly always thinking of my Granny, but especially this month. You see, four years ago, on the eighth day of this month, my Granny left this world. I have never been so sad, bitter, or even angry about something in my life. See, my Granny, she meant everything to me. Even when people, even my parents weren’t there, she was. She was really a great woman. So, I wanted to take a little time to tell everyone her story since she isn’t here to do that anymore.

My Granny’s name was Mrs. Irene Martin. She was just so beautiful. Mrs. Irene loved just about everyone and everything she came in contact with. She met the man of her dreams at a young age. His name was James Martin. I never had the privilege of meeting him, he passed very young. But my Granny and Daddy have always told great stories about him. My Granny never married again, but she always carried a smile, even though it was obvious she missed him every second. With James my granny had a son named Jimmy. Jimmy… Well, my momma always taught me if I didn’t have anything nice to say not to say it at all. So, I’ll just leave it at he didn’t know what a great woman he had in his life. My Granny always looked at me as her own. She used to tell me stories of how when I was a little baby she would rock me in her momma’s old rocking chair while we watched the Lawrence Welk show. Gosh, I remember watching that with her, we’d always be dancing around the living room. My favorite part was always the end, when the band would be playing with all the bubbles. I really had some good times with her. She really meant the world to me. What is so good about now is, even though it’s sad that she’s gone, I know that she is so very happy up in heaven, with her husband James and of course God. I hope to one day be up there with her. That will be a great day. So, that’s what I think of when I think of October. How about you?

                                                                   -Audra Nicole

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


                   I am writing my paper on why I think we should be able to chew gum. The reason I think we should be able to chew gum is, we are not little kids anymore. I know all the teachers and the other adults thing we will be immature with the gum. But I mean honestly, we are not going to find excitement in putting gum under the tables and what not.  On the plus side of chewing gum, we would not talk as much. I know that sounds silly, but if we were chewing gum, then our mouths would be too busy to be talking. Then, if we were not talking we would actually be listening.

                   Another way to look at it is, if we were actually listening, we might actually understand some of this stuff. If we understood this stuff then we would do well on the tests. If we do well on the tests then the school gets money. If the school gets money, then we can make our school much nicer with updated everything. If everything is updated then we will get new student. So really there is a whole lot of great stuff that could happen if we could just chew that on piece of gum. I am just saying, it is seriously something to think about. Just think about all of the money and stuff that you could get from letting us chew 90 cent gum.

                   So, overall, gum would be a perfect thing to let us have. We would be more focused, and actually even calmer. It’s something to think about.

                                                          -Audra Nicole

Friday, September 21, 2012

BGBS: Lifes Short

So, Bluegrass, I have something to share. Life . Is. Short . I know, it sucks, and no one wants to admit it, but it’s true. So, I have three questions for you. Do you treat your family right? Do you put God first? Do you live every day to its fullest? Cause, you need to! Just because we’re young… that doesn’t mean anything! My friend was telling me something that just happened last night! That’s right September 20th, 2012. This young fifteen year old boy was just walking out one night… and boom, he got hit by a car and was dead. Now, don’t you wonder, did he treat his family right, did he put God first, did he live life to its fullest? I mean, this is something that’s really just been pulling at my heart. What is all of this worth if we are just going to die tomorrow? Because that kid was my age, and it can happen! It’s scary to me, not because I’m scared of dying, but because if I am to leave this earth, I want my family to know how much I truly to love and adore them, and I couldn’t do really anything without them. And, I’d want to know that my heart was right with God, because if it’s not, we all know why that wouldn’t be good. I’d also want to know that I did everything, and I mean absolutely everything to take any and every opportunity and use it to its fullest ability. Do you not want to make sure of that too?? I mean, I am even guilty of this. All I do is complain about everything. I act selfish. I don’t like who I am becoming, and I can see the people closest to me becoming that way. It’s all a chain reaction. Instead of complaining about our problems, or other people and their problems, or even things that really aren’t even problems, maybe we could just try a little bit harder to be supportive, or even make those things better. If we all care as much as we say we do, then it shouldn’t even be a problem… right?? But, see its not that simple is it? No, see cause, words are easy to say. The hard part is the actions. There’s a saying “actions speak louder than words.” Something my mom and dad are telling me all the time. I just want everyone to know how short and valuable life really is. I want everyone to know that when they leave, they will leave a mark. Its just up you each an everyone to decide what we want our mark to be. Because, Life is short.          

                                                                                      -Audra Nicole

Monday, September 10, 2012

BGBS: The Rules

So, I know it’s always good to have rules. Especially with kids or teenagers. But, honestly, if you are going to make rules, then stick with those rules.

Dress Code

o   Wear only kaki’s

o   Wear only polo’s

o   Polo’s may only be striped and solid NO PLAID

o   You may wear sweaters but only solid NO STRIPES

o   You may wear kaki skirts but to mid knee

Okay, so now it’s the opinion time. I get that we need a dress code, I honestly do. I mean, I am a teen, I know how some of us can dress. So we need to wear some polo’s and some kakis. Alright, that’s cool. But, no plaid, I mean honestly, that’s a serious rule… I mean, I guess in some weird universe its and offensive thing… I don’t even know… Then, we can wear striped polo’s and we are allowed to wear sold sweaters, but no striped sweaters? The seriously makes zero sense to me… My last thing, I understand our skirts need to be to our knees, all us girls should me modest, especially in a school that is going to be representing our Lord. But, then that rule needs to be enforced on ALL THE STUDENTS! Not just the teachers picking and choosing!

General Rules

o   No gum

o   Only seven absences

Opinion time number two! Okay, so no gum? I mean, how is gum dangerous. I know they think we’d do gross stuff with it, like put it under the table or in someone’s hair. But, let’s just be honest here, we are not five anymore, we know how to use gum. Also, the “you can only miss seven days” thing. I mean, some people get severely sick, or have some major issues which make it hard to just go to school. I just think that should be taken into consideration.  

                                                                      -Audra Nicole

BGBS: Volleyball

At our school we have a volleyball team. And well, I really love it! Sometimes I just wish we could keep our head in the game though! We are honestly pretty good! But, we are just so easily siked out, which really messes us up. I mean, a team can have consistent bumps, killer spikes, and crazy serves, but if your heads not in the game, you will never win. All sports take skills, but more importantly all sports take a strong mind. My dad once told me this story, it’s about this boxer. This guy was crazy good, never lost a match. While he had good skills, he had an even stronger mind. He knew how to sike his opponent out, and he did it every time. Before the match he would build himself up on camera, and tear down his opponent. But, one match, his opponent got in his head, and he let hid guard down. He got beat. The point is, you never let your guard down, weather it is on the court, or in the ring. You always got to keep your head in the game.

Another issue is, when we are on the court, we do not act like a team. We act like it’s a one man show, like we are more important than the rest of the team. But, honestly, we all need each other, without a good set, you can’t get a good spike. Without a good serve, you can’t even get a volley! We just need to rely on our teammates! And, encourage our teammates! And, CALL THE BALL!! Then, I know we'll be great! We'll just be amazing! I cant wait to see what the rest of this season has in store for all of us!
                                                             -Audra Nicole

Friday, August 31, 2012

BGBS: The Drama

So, as unexpected as this will be, we have way too much drama! Yes, our school is small. Yes, our school is Christian. Does that mean anything at all though?? The answer is: absolutely not!

To me, personally, I believe that to represent Christ you have to show His characteristics in all things that you do. Yes, I will admit that at times I am guilty of this act. I will also admit though, it is never my intention. There are many different types of drama, mean looks, unkind words, or even unkind actions. We all love each other, or so I think. Sometimes we just think how we feel or how we think is better or more important than someone else. But truth be told, how we feel and how we think don’t really matter all that much. If we all could come to the conclusion that how others feel and most importantly how God feels is the most important thing than maybe the world would be a better place. If were being honest though, there’s always going to be drama. There’s always gonna be that one person that just doesn’t care for you or like you too much. You just have to know who you are, and your love for Christ, and that’s all you need. So then, when people do say hateful things to you, give your dirty looks, or horrible gestures it won’t matter. If it doesn’t matter, then how could there be drama?? Fact is, even if we don’t instigate the issues, we are the ones prolonging them. This is kind of a lesson I needed to learn myself. This is kind of a lesson I think everyone needs to learn. Stand strong in who you are, and keep it all drama free!


                                                                             -Audra Nicole