Thursday, October 4, 2012

BGBS: October

So, October can mean a lot of stuff to a lot of people. It can make everyone think of at least something, good or bad. For me, October reminds me of my Granny. I mean, I’m honestly always thinking of my Granny, but especially this month. You see, four years ago, on the eighth day of this month, my Granny left this world. I have never been so sad, bitter, or even angry about something in my life. See, my Granny, she meant everything to me. Even when people, even my parents weren’t there, she was. She was really a great woman. So, I wanted to take a little time to tell everyone her story since she isn’t here to do that anymore.

My Granny’s name was Mrs. Irene Martin. She was just so beautiful. Mrs. Irene loved just about everyone and everything she came in contact with. She met the man of her dreams at a young age. His name was James Martin. I never had the privilege of meeting him, he passed very young. But my Granny and Daddy have always told great stories about him. My Granny never married again, but she always carried a smile, even though it was obvious she missed him every second. With James my granny had a son named Jimmy. Jimmy… Well, my momma always taught me if I didn’t have anything nice to say not to say it at all. So, I’ll just leave it at he didn’t know what a great woman he had in his life. My Granny always looked at me as her own. She used to tell me stories of how when I was a little baby she would rock me in her momma’s old rocking chair while we watched the Lawrence Welk show. Gosh, I remember watching that with her, we’d always be dancing around the living room. My favorite part was always the end, when the band would be playing with all the bubbles. I really had some good times with her. She really meant the world to me. What is so good about now is, even though it’s sad that she’s gone, I know that she is so very happy up in heaven, with her husband James and of course God. I hope to one day be up there with her. That will be a great day. So, that’s what I think of when I think of October. How about you?

                                                                   -Audra Nicole

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


                   I am writing my paper on why I think we should be able to chew gum. The reason I think we should be able to chew gum is, we are not little kids anymore. I know all the teachers and the other adults thing we will be immature with the gum. But I mean honestly, we are not going to find excitement in putting gum under the tables and what not.  On the plus side of chewing gum, we would not talk as much. I know that sounds silly, but if we were chewing gum, then our mouths would be too busy to be talking. Then, if we were not talking we would actually be listening.

                   Another way to look at it is, if we were actually listening, we might actually understand some of this stuff. If we understood this stuff then we would do well on the tests. If we do well on the tests then the school gets money. If the school gets money, then we can make our school much nicer with updated everything. If everything is updated then we will get new student. So really there is a whole lot of great stuff that could happen if we could just chew that on piece of gum. I am just saying, it is seriously something to think about. Just think about all of the money and stuff that you could get from letting us chew 90 cent gum.

                   So, overall, gum would be a perfect thing to let us have. We would be more focused, and actually even calmer. It’s something to think about.

                                                          -Audra Nicole