Monday, September 10, 2012

BGBS: Volleyball

At our school we have a volleyball team. And well, I really love it! Sometimes I just wish we could keep our head in the game though! We are honestly pretty good! But, we are just so easily siked out, which really messes us up. I mean, a team can have consistent bumps, killer spikes, and crazy serves, but if your heads not in the game, you will never win. All sports take skills, but more importantly all sports take a strong mind. My dad once told me this story, it’s about this boxer. This guy was crazy good, never lost a match. While he had good skills, he had an even stronger mind. He knew how to sike his opponent out, and he did it every time. Before the match he would build himself up on camera, and tear down his opponent. But, one match, his opponent got in his head, and he let hid guard down. He got beat. The point is, you never let your guard down, weather it is on the court, or in the ring. You always got to keep your head in the game.

Another issue is, when we are on the court, we do not act like a team. We act like it’s a one man show, like we are more important than the rest of the team. But, honestly, we all need each other, without a good set, you can’t get a good spike. Without a good serve, you can’t even get a volley! We just need to rely on our teammates! And, encourage our teammates! And, CALL THE BALL!! Then, I know we'll be great! We'll just be amazing! I cant wait to see what the rest of this season has in store for all of us!
                                                             -Audra Nicole

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