Friday, September 21, 2012

BGBS: Lifes Short

So, Bluegrass, I have something to share. Life . Is. Short . I know, it sucks, and no one wants to admit it, but it’s true. So, I have three questions for you. Do you treat your family right? Do you put God first? Do you live every day to its fullest? Cause, you need to! Just because we’re young… that doesn’t mean anything! My friend was telling me something that just happened last night! That’s right September 20th, 2012. This young fifteen year old boy was just walking out one night… and boom, he got hit by a car and was dead. Now, don’t you wonder, did he treat his family right, did he put God first, did he live life to its fullest? I mean, this is something that’s really just been pulling at my heart. What is all of this worth if we are just going to die tomorrow? Because that kid was my age, and it can happen! It’s scary to me, not because I’m scared of dying, but because if I am to leave this earth, I want my family to know how much I truly to love and adore them, and I couldn’t do really anything without them. And, I’d want to know that my heart was right with God, because if it’s not, we all know why that wouldn’t be good. I’d also want to know that I did everything, and I mean absolutely everything to take any and every opportunity and use it to its fullest ability. Do you not want to make sure of that too?? I mean, I am even guilty of this. All I do is complain about everything. I act selfish. I don’t like who I am becoming, and I can see the people closest to me becoming that way. It’s all a chain reaction. Instead of complaining about our problems, or other people and their problems, or even things that really aren’t even problems, maybe we could just try a little bit harder to be supportive, or even make those things better. If we all care as much as we say we do, then it shouldn’t even be a problem… right?? But, see its not that simple is it? No, see cause, words are easy to say. The hard part is the actions. There’s a saying “actions speak louder than words.” Something my mom and dad are telling me all the time. I just want everyone to know how short and valuable life really is. I want everyone to know that when they leave, they will leave a mark. Its just up you each an everyone to decide what we want our mark to be. Because, Life is short.          

                                                                                      -Audra Nicole

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